I could lose myself in a southwest sunset and I try never to miss one. All we really have is this day today, I really want to live free. Free to experience a sunset over a mountain or a dramatic rainstorm off the coast. I want to stand in every moment and appreciate today for what it is, every emotion, every smell every sound, the wind, the sand and how the sun was. To stop and breathe in the desert sage or salt air and to experience and be in giddy love with the way the earth makes me feel, to frolic through it and soak in it’s magic. More than anything, I feel so grateful to have grown up in a different place and have moved here mid- life. It allows me to appreciate this outdoor life that I’ve come to love even more as I wasn’t always enveloped in it.
About Terri
I moved from New Jersey to Grand Canyon National Park in 2009, before that I had no idea what adventure really was. In the last ten years, I have been an avid hiker, climber, and enjoy canyoneering. I played roller derby for some years, and tried aerial silks, acrobatics and lyra with the circus. I have a thirst for learning outdoor skills and also an affinity for the obscure and weird. I have a houseplant and vintage camera problem and collect both, which could be an issue for the minimalist on-the-road lifestyle that I crave.
I'm looking to work with people who have a natural curiosity and want to explore the outdoors during their photo sessions. I love wilderness activities that engage my senses and connect me to other people. These are the kind of experiences I want to create for you, and photograph along the way.