Jake and Em – Grand Canyon Anniversary Portraits

Grand Canyon Engagements

I woke up very early and saw the magical snow left behind from the storm the previous night. It was stunning. We often lose the view of the Grand Canyon, while it is snowing the canyon “gets socked in”. There are times that visitors come during a storm and never really see it at all, it looks much like looking at a white screen, the canyon disappears.

I immediately texted my clients fearing that the first light of the day might be the only shot to take portraits with the canyon visible. Much to my surprise, at 630am they were awake and waited for me to go see if the canyon was visible. I ran over to the rim, a 1min drive from my house, and was thrilled to see that although it could indeed see it, if only partly.

Faster than I really have ever expected, my clients understood the need for urgency and appeared before me by only a few minutes after 7am, we were so lucky to have a little sun break through at times during the shoot and I was over the moon to be able to take loving portraits in such pristine fresh snow. A true highlight for me certainly and my first snowy Grand Canyon portraits.

I went to bed at Grand Canyon the night before this shoot earlier than expected. The wind howled and whipped around the house and we lost power at 7:45, we didn’t get it back until 3am. It was a Grand Canyon spring storm complete with the rare thunder snow. Many people don’t realize that the Grand Canyon sits at over 7,000 feet above sea level and snow is a pretty common in Northern Arizona.

Here are the shots I took while waiting to for my clients to arrive.

April 5, 2017

Adventure Sessions

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