Grand Canyon – 100 years
Yesterday Grand Canyon celebrated its birthday as a national park. I decided to celebrate the 100 years in taking photos of the buildings at Grand Canyon that have been here for about 100 years. I think its wild to think about pioneer times at Grand Canyon and what the village may have been like 100 years ago. What is even a more intriguing thing to think about is the people who lived at Grand Canyon thousands of years ago.
The Grand Canyon wasn’t born with the introduction of the Park Service and the commemoration of Grand Canyon as a park, isn’t a celebration to so many that are connected to this place. People and stories filled this space forever before someone called it Grand Canyon. I think this is important to recognize and it’s just as important to recognize that the park and tribes are working really hard to come together and share the stewardship of this place in a multitude of ways.
Whether or not you choose to celebrate the 100 years of Grand Canyon, we can all agree that #thisplacematters, it’s worth protecting. It’s important to be good stewards and encourage stewardship of our public lands in others for the next 1000+ years.