Adventure Photography – Intimate elopement session locations like Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell

Adventure Photography – Intimate elopement session locations like Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell

As I move toward doing only #adventurephotography and #adventureelopement, I am location scouting around my general #GrandCanyon area.

I went out for the weekend on #lakepowell in Page #Arizona. We took a canoe and a #kayak and paddled to a beautiful canyon where we camped for the eve. It was outstanding. The light in the canyon bounced all over making a natural studio in some areas and left some sections with bright contrast. If you can see the light, you could make any #portrait happen here.

So I did. 
My friends weren’t prepared to play model for me but they graciously did so anyway. I was able to test the light and get some ideas about how to plan an #adventuresession here. It would be an excellent intimate elopement session location like Antelope Canyon and Lake Powell. There were less people here than #antelopecanyon and just as beautiful light and rock features.

This location could be amazing for the right #adventurecouple. It would be easy to be transported by motorboat… but if you’re up for the #adventure, I say stick the #bohobride gown in a dry bag, let’s jump in a kayak and go. This is me, manifesting #adventurephoto. I want to experience nature with you and take your photos! @ Lake Powell

July 15, 2019

Adventure Sessions

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