Elopements for Adventurous Couples

Elopements for Adventurous Couples

Okay, so elopments have been going on forever but what about today’s version of the elopement is changed? EVERRYTHHHING

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Elopements used to happen in cases where two people really wanted to marry each other but either because of family views, money, pregnancy or family feuds, couples really felt like they needed to run away to celebrate their love. Where once upon a time people felt forced into an elopement, now they are choosing to host an elopement because its what they WANT not because they feel like they have no other choice.

Choice is a big part of the modern elopement, the adventure elopement. People are choosing NOT to feel guilty about having an elopement but are seeing elopments as a choice. Thes “choices” doesn’t mean including less, but in this choice, couples are finding they get to have even more.

Instead of spending $10,000 on a wedding with all of the moving parts, people are choosing adventure, vacation, and this deeply private and intimate experience. Just because you elope, doesn’t mean a short over-and-done event in vegas or the courthouse, but a multi-day event that’s sort of like your honeymoon and wedding combined.

Some folks choose to include only their closests friends and family, whereas some choose to be just themselves. Eloping offers some privacy and intimacy in this important day, but choosing to elope with no one inattendance doesn’t mean that you choose not to include anyone in your day. There WILL be photos, there should be photos and photography can be used to share with friends and family.

Elopement Photography

While telling the story of your elopement, you are also choosing the photographer who will do the best version of telling your story to the people that couldn’t be there, and you should be choosing me. We will still be able to do getting ready photos, first look photos, first dance photos and all of the photography that goes along with a traditional wedding, without having to stop and adjust Uncle Jim’s hair piece in the midst of dreary and cumbersome obligatory family photos. Instead you will have more photos of you two and the adventure you’ve chosen for your elopement day.

You might stand on a beach, or hike around its rocky shoreline, stand at the top of a snowy mountain and share hot chocolate off a camping stove afterwards, you may want to travel to a far away land and have your elopement take place in Iceland, or wander around grassy open knolls in Ireland, maybe you want to spend the days leading up to your elopement on an epic backpacking trip, or maybe you simply want to share your elopement with your dogs. Whatever the scenario, I’m here for you to help plan it and execute it and have this be everything you never imagined when you typed in “elopement” on google 🙂

November 22, 2019

Adventure Sessions

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